T-Shirts commemorating the 10th Annual MAJ Larry J. Bauguess Jr. Memorial Game are being sold for $30 each.

Email Us To Order Yours

Commemorative 2018 Shirt 





CONTRIBUTE by credit card:

This functionality is created using PayPal. All donations will be sent directly to our fund.

You can sign in using a PayPal account, or you can create a one-time donation without a PayPal account using a current credit card. All transactions are secure and verified. We will never see your credit card number.

Official PayPal Seal

CONTRIBUTE by check:

Print out THIS FORM and mail with your check to:

Maj. Larry Bauguess Memorial Committee

P.O. Box 2568

North Wilkesboro, NC 28659




The members of the Major Larry J. Bauguess Jr. Memorial Committee thank you for your interest and help. We welcome your feedback and comments. Please feel free to contact the webmaster with any comments, concerns or questions.

We are a non-profit charitable organization made possible through Cub Creek Baptist Church. Your donation goes to supporting the memorial fund 100% for scholarships, expenses associated with the annual baseball memorial game, maintaining this website, or the baseball field that bears Larry's name. No member of our committee receives any monetary compensation.

The current members of this committee are as follows :

Terry Bauguess
Keith Deveraux
Michael Farmer
April Canter Greenwood
Jodi Edsel Jarvis

Adina Watkins

Mandy Brame Marxen

Jay Morphis

Scott Nichols
Heather Necessary Pardue
Jennifer Harvel Vandiver
Harry Warren
Copyright 2010 Major Larry J. Bauguess, Jr. Memorial Committee